

In the world of software development, one popular integrated development environment (IDE) is IntelliJ IDEA. IDEA is known for its powerful features and advanced tools that help developers write code more efficiently. One of the customization options that IDEA offers is the ability to set the background color of the IDE. In this article, we will explore how to set the background color in IntelliJ IDEA and how it can improve your coding experience.

Setting IDEA Background Color:

1. Open IntelliJ IDEA: To set the background color in IntelliJ IDEA, first, open the IDE on your computer.

2. Access Settings: Once IntelliJ IDEA is open, navigate to the "File" menu at the top of the screen and select "Settings" from the dropdown list.

3. Choose Appearance: In the Settings window, find and click on the "Appearance" option on the left sidebar.

4. Select Theme: Under the Appearance settings, you will find the option to select a theme for the IDE. Choose a theme that you prefer, such as Darcula or Light.

5. Customize Theme: To set the background color specifically, you can customize the selected theme by clicking on the "Customize Look" button. Here, you can adjust the background and foreground colors to your liking.

6. Apply Changes: After customizing the theme, click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the changes and close the Settings window.

7. View Background Color: Now, you will see the background color of IntelliJ IDEA changed according to the theme and customization settings you have selected.

Improving Coding Experience:

Setting the background color in IntelliJ IDEA can help improve your coding experience in several ways. A background color that is easy on the eyes can reduce eye strain and fatigue during long coding sessions. Additionally, a personalized background color can create a more comfortable and visually appealing workspace, which can boost productivity and creativity.


Customizing the background color in IntelliJ IDEA is a simple yet effective way to enhance your coding experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set a background color that suits your preferences and create a more enjoyable and productive coding environment. Give it a try and see how a small change like changing the background color can make a big difference in your coding workflow.


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